Overview of the quick items I have created in Unity for my own enjoyment or following a discussion with other parties.
Group Sustainability Strategy
A discussion with a commercial director relating to 'can we do this? Is this technically possible?'
Current Stage: PoC
Open the box, lift the cubes, rotate them round, put them back - see the information relating to the strategy
Osborne Screensaver
Can we create a branded screensaver in house cheaper and quicker than going to external parties?
Current Stage: PoC
Use the 3D models to create the looping video. Do we need the 3D models? Where can this go?
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Nulla duis augue pede turpis ante amet amet augue duis. Augue pede amet nulla mauris
Turpis duis pede metus amet.
Nulla duis augue pede turpis ante amet amet augue duis. Augue pede amet nulla mauris